C++ Webhook Server Library#
C++ Webhook server Library for integration with WhatsApp messenger via API of green-api.com service. To use the library you have to get a registration token and an instance ID in the console. For testing, we recommend using the free "Developer" plan.
You can find REST API documentation by url. The library is a wrapper for REST API, so the documentation at the above url applies to the library as well.
You can find the webhooks documentation by url. The application is a webhook handler, so the documentation at the link above applies to the application itself.
To send a message or to execute some other GREEN-API methods, you have to have the WhatsApp account in the phone application to be authorized. To authorize your instance please go to the console and scan a QR-code using the WhatsApp application.
Building and installation#
User-defined functions#
JSON Validation#
Service methods documentation#
Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-ND 4.0).
Please see file LICENSE.